Minutes: The Villages Trap, Skeet, & Sporting Clays Club
Meeting Date: December 18, 2024
Location: Big Cypress Recreation Center, The Villages Florida
Officers Present: Robert Nations, President: Steve Hanus, Vice President: Kevin DeCamp, Treasurer: John Garrison, Match Officer: Mike Camp Secretary.
The meeting was called to order at 1900 by President Bob Nations. 52 members in attendance. A quorum was established. The membership present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bob asked for a moment of silence to honor members of our Military and First Responders along with thoughts on two recently passed members.
Monthly safety moment presented by Bob Nations for Joe Spitaleri.
If any member takes a certified CPR/AED class, they can have a heart sticker attached to their name tags.
Safety has requested a CPR/AED class from the Villages for members. Class can range in size of up to 45-people
Reminder of the two year requirement for members to take Safety refresher course
Bob welcomed new members and guests of which there was 1
A motion was made to approve the Minutes of the last membership meeting, as posted to the Club’s website. The Minutes as posted were approved by voice vote. Treasurer’s Report for December Nov balance $7910.64. Income $2915.00. Expenses $1735.50. Dec bank balance $9090.14 plus $100.00 petty cash for a total funds of $9190.14
Bob reminded new and old members of the swap meet held at every meeting. He reaffirmed clubs support to continue to hold, no need to call, just bring your clay shooting gear, remember set up @615.
Bob stated the club’s website is current with all info through Jan 2025.
Any old members that have run out of years at bottom of ID, or need replacement contact Mike Camp [email protected] to get updated
Next New member safety orientation at Blackjack on Jan 8th. The safety officer is tracking all members attendance in order to insure fulfillment of the clubs every 2-year requirement. Sign up on website.
Dates for next years Senior Games/club championship are April 21 – Apr 30th 2025. Don Miller working with The Villages representing the club
Don millers training sessions for proper gun fit has 2 open spots available for Feb. Call Don or sign up on the website.
VP Steve Hanus reported that the issues we were having with the email should have been corrected. Comcast had an issue with MailChimp. Again, emails are going out.
The importance of at least opening emails from club was stressed, you are in danger of being removed from future mailings by the mail service.
Bob stated that Officer nominations are coming up. Need to be paid up on dues by 12/31/2024. Up for nominations will be President, Secretary and Match officer. Nominations have been received and will stay open until the night of the vote.
Valentine’s Gala will be on 2/15/25. Eisenhower Rec center More Details to follow
2025 Outdoor Expo 2/28 -3/1 Volunteers needed, sign up on website.
Match Officer
December 18, 2024, Meeting Notes
Tournament Changes/ Reminders:
Robinson Ranch Reminders:
- On the new sign-up form, you will have the opportunity to sign-up for 3 of 4 events being offered that month. (only three)
- With this change, we will be requiring a minimum of 10 shooters per event to make it possible to have a payout available and to not incur any excess club fees. Unfortunately, with only 10 shooters, there will only be a payout of 3 places.
- All the Tournament Directors do their best to get the tournament scores out in a timely manner, but there are situations that might not always make that possible, but we will do our very best.
** With that being said, please contact the Tournament Director of each event if you are not going to make a shoot, with the first preference being with the on-line withdraw form, and if it is the morning of, please call or text the director of the specific event at the number listed on the withdraw form, so that the entire group is not waiting for you to not show up.
- In February there will be some changes and additions made to the tournament director position so please bear with the directors as these changes take place.
Straight 25 awards in Trap: Doug Smith / Blair Peterson
Straight 25 awards in Skeet: Bill Melvin / Luther Hanna
Respectfully Submitted
Secretary Mike Camp
Meeting Date: December 18, 2024
Location: Big Cypress Recreation Center, The Villages Florida
Officers Present: Robert Nations, President: Steve Hanus, Vice President: Kevin DeCamp, Treasurer: John Garrison, Match Officer: Mike Camp Secretary.
The meeting was called to order at 1900 by President Bob Nations. 52 members in attendance. A quorum was established. The membership present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bob asked for a moment of silence to honor members of our Military and First Responders along with thoughts on two recently passed members.
Monthly safety moment presented by Bob Nations for Joe Spitaleri.
If any member takes a certified CPR/AED class, they can have a heart sticker attached to their name tags.
Safety has requested a CPR/AED class from the Villages for members. Class can range in size of up to 45-people
Reminder of the two year requirement for members to take Safety refresher course
Bob welcomed new members and guests of which there was 1
A motion was made to approve the Minutes of the last membership meeting, as posted to the Club’s website. The Minutes as posted were approved by voice vote. Treasurer’s Report for December Nov balance $7910.64. Income $2915.00. Expenses $1735.50. Dec bank balance $9090.14 plus $100.00 petty cash for a total funds of $9190.14
Bob reminded new and old members of the swap meet held at every meeting. He reaffirmed clubs support to continue to hold, no need to call, just bring your clay shooting gear, remember set up @615.
Bob stated the club’s website is current with all info through Jan 2025.
Any old members that have run out of years at bottom of ID, or need replacement contact Mike Camp [email protected] to get updated
Next New member safety orientation at Blackjack on Jan 8th. The safety officer is tracking all members attendance in order to insure fulfillment of the clubs every 2-year requirement. Sign up on website.
Dates for next years Senior Games/club championship are April 21 – Apr 30th 2025. Don Miller working with The Villages representing the club
Don millers training sessions for proper gun fit has 2 open spots available for Feb. Call Don or sign up on the website.
VP Steve Hanus reported that the issues we were having with the email should have been corrected. Comcast had an issue with MailChimp. Again, emails are going out.
The importance of at least opening emails from club was stressed, you are in danger of being removed from future mailings by the mail service.
Bob stated that Officer nominations are coming up. Need to be paid up on dues by 12/31/2024. Up for nominations will be President, Secretary and Match officer. Nominations have been received and will stay open until the night of the vote.
Valentine’s Gala will be on 2/15/25. Eisenhower Rec center More Details to follow
2025 Outdoor Expo 2/28 -3/1 Volunteers needed, sign up on website.
Match Officer
December 18, 2024, Meeting Notes
Tournament Changes/ Reminders:
Robinson Ranch Reminders:
- On the new sign-up form, you will have the opportunity to sign-up for 3 of 4 events being offered that month. (only three)
- With this change, we will be requiring a minimum of 10 shooters per event to make it possible to have a payout available and to not incur any excess club fees. Unfortunately, with only 10 shooters, there will only be a payout of 3 places.
- All the Tournament Directors do their best to get the tournament scores out in a timely manner, but there are situations that might not always make that possible, but we will do our very best.
** With that being said, please contact the Tournament Director of each event if you are not going to make a shoot, with the first preference being with the on-line withdraw form, and if it is the morning of, please call or text the director of the specific event at the number listed on the withdraw form, so that the entire group is not waiting for you to not show up.
- In February there will be some changes and additions made to the tournament director position so please bear with the directors as these changes take place.
Straight 25 awards in Trap: Doug Smith / Blair Peterson
Straight 25 awards in Skeet: Bill Melvin / Luther Hanna
- Report time at Robinson ranch is from 7:30 to 8:00 with required attendance at 8:00 mandatory safety meeting to shoot.
- On all events excluding sporting clays, please stay at your station until told to move, everyone should be moving as one!
- Pick-up awards before and after meeting at table in front of room.
Respectfully Submitted
Secretary Mike Camp